The given briefing was to work on the redesign of an app and we had to do two things: first, reproduce the existing screens because each redesign, no matter how small or big, always begins with an audit of the existing design.


JULY 2023


UX/UI Designer

The given briefing was to work on the redesign of an app and we had to do two things: first, reproduce the existing screens because of each redesign. Second, redesign the app’s look and feel. It could be as simple as updating current components, as complex as redesigning entire screens, or as drastic as redefining the brand’s identity.

I chose Ryanair as my focus for app redesign because I believe their current design has room for improvement. In my perspective, the existing design appears overly simplistic and could benefit from
a touch of elegance.

In my redesign approach, I aimed to maintain the essence of Ryanair’s visual identity, honoring the brand’s strong recognition. By implementing subtle enhancements and thoughtful refinements, I sought to elevate the overall user experience while staying true to the established brand image.

How might we enhance the elegance and aesthetics of Ryanair's app design while still emphasizing affordable flights?


To kickstart, I crafted a mood board that showcased the preferred colors and aesthetics I aimed to integrate into the app design. This compilation served as a wellspring of inspiration, guiding the development process. The mood board played a fundamental role in establishing the appropriate tone and visual orientation, enabling me to maintain consistency with the intended appearance and ambiance as I progressed with the design.


To initiate the design process, I commenced by defining the fundamental components that would shape the app’s visual experience. This involved crafting elements like buttons, fonts, and the color palette.
By considering every aspect that could aid in streamlining the design, I ensured a solid foundation for creating an intuitive and visually appealing app.


Throughout the design process, I ensured a seamless and visually appealing user experience, making it easy for users to navigate and complete their flight bookings. The layout and flow were optimized to provide clarity and efficiency in each step of the ticket purchase process.

By maintaining the app’s original colors and fonts, while incorporating intuitive and user-friendly design elements, I aimed to enhance the overall user experience and make the app more engaging and enjoyable to use.


Click here to read more about my Case Study on Medium.